Terminal Commands

Tuesday, 11/26

Today I learned about terminal commands and about github, here is a list of commands and their meanings.


ls: stands for list files, which will lead to all files from the current directory being listed

cd: stands for change directory, which allows us to move through files

pwd: stands for print working directory, writes the full pathname for the current directory

:wq: stands for write and quit, used after changes have been committed

git status: shows the status of the files whether they have been commited or not

git commit -m: used to type in the commit message

git push: sends the committed changes to the repository

git pull: merges changes from server to directory

git config: sets the author name and email address to be used with commits

git init: used to create a new repository

git add: adds a file

Github Pages:

markdown: formatting for text on Github that is easy to read and write

##: used to create titles

**: used to bold words/letters

index.md: page where the markdown goes

()[]: used to add links to words/phrases on markdown, phrase goes inside the parenthesis and link goes inside the squared brackets
